Monday, October 24, 2011

Halloween Story 3: IFC Alfred's Monster Part 2

In honor of Halloween, we at StoryJungle have decided to write one ghost story each day leading up to the candy holiday. Don't worry parents, these stories are kid-certified fun. If you miss any of the stories, head over to the Story Corner Page and check them out!

Part two of the Halloween story started here Halloween Story 2: IFC Frankenstein's Monster Part 1

So, where did we leave off? Oh, that's right! In Part 1, we met a ten year old genius named Alfred. He was so smart that everyone stayed away from him, including his parents! They were intimidated by his intelligence. Then, one day, a gigantic flaming red dog started to follow him.

It had blood red eyes and a huge drooling mouth with a pink flopping tongue the size of a python. It would appear whenever Alfred was alone and Alfred began to get scared. He thought the dog wanted to make a meal out of him! 

So Alfred created a secret laboratory in the IFC building in Hong Kong. His laboratory was located on the very, very, VERY top floor. He wanted to use the lasers of the light show to make his very own monster. He was going to use this monster to protect him. Thus ends the recap.

The IFC tower that Alfred is in
 Now, his laboratory is very large. It has smooth metal walls that are so clean that they glow in the dark. Either that or there are so many chemicals on them that it makes them shine... The floor is made out of a squeaky white plastic because Alfred always saw that type of floor in movies and he thought all mad scientists' laboratories needed them. There were multiple long tables made out of a blue material that couldn't burn, melt, or freeze. Perfect for surviving experiments! On each table were bottles and bubbling vials of gassy liquids...
The monster that Alfred wanted to make was inspired by another monster made by another mad scientist. This scientist's name was Frankenstein and his monster was called Frankenstein's monster (very creative...). Alfred wanted to be different though. He decided to make his monster out of CANDY! 

He started to collect everything he needed in the days leading up to Halloween. He bought up ALL the candy at Welcome and Taste and 7-Eleven. Finally, it was time.

On a table in the center of his laboratory, he placed his creation. It was a mixture of all sorts of different candies. Its skin was made from green jello which Alfred had made harder. Its eyes were fake yellow marshmallow eyes that stores sell right before Halloween. Its mouth was made out of black licorice. Its hair  was made of upside down lollipops and its fingers and toes were candy corn.

After days and nights of preparation, Alfred could not have been more excited! It was his masterpiece. He opened up the window that was right above the monster's body. Putting on his goggles, Alfred readied himself for the experiment. Just as it turned eight o'clock and the light show began, Alfred pulled down hard on the great big black lever in the middle of the room. Immediately, a beam of green light shot down on the monster. Alfred had found a way to redirect the beams of light! As soon as the green light touched the body, it began to move. Slowly its candy corn fingers started to twitch. Then its green arms started to rise up. Finally, its eyes flicked open and its head turned towards Alfred.

"IT'S ALIVE!" Alfred screamed in delight!

Alfred pushed the lever back off and shut down the light. The monster sat up slowly and then rubbed its eyes. 
"Are you real?" it asked, confused...

Alfred nodded enthusiastically. "I created you! Would you like to be my friend and protect me from the dog monster that is following me?"

The monster smiled and shyly said, "I have never had a friend before... Of course I will be your friend!"

They shook hands and then Alfred took the monster on a tour of his lab. Just as they were settling down to have some food, the monstrous dog appeared! Alfred immediately jumped behind his monster in fright. 

Alfred's monster stood up and walked towards the dog. Immediately the dog tensed it muscles and then POUNCED at the monster. Alfred watched in shock as the the monster playfully grabbed the dog and they started wrestling.

Instead of being terrified or actually fighting, the monster was laughing as the dog starting licking its face! When they got up, the monster had a huge grin on his face almost as big as the dog. The monster explained that this was a Tibetan mastiff. Mastiffs are very large dogs, especially red ones like this. They are very loyal and loving dogs who protect their masters.  This is actually a puppy. The adults grow to the size of horses.

The dog bounded up to Alfred and used her huge tongue to give Alfred a slobbery bath. Alfred laughed and they all settled down together to eat and enjoy the rest of the light show. After a little while, Alfred turned to both of them and said, "You both need names... Monster, your name will be Jack and dog, your name will be Monster!"

It turns out that this whole time, the dog wanted to be friends with Alfred, not eat him! The three of them became the best of friends and went on to have many adventures together. They were never lonely again.

The End


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